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Human Lungs Model For Kids

Human Lungs Model For Kids

This project is made by Shahan Alam, student of grade KG. In this video he is explaining our respiratory system. This model is made using

Effects Of Acid Rain By Haaziq Khiyani

Effects Of Acid Rain By Haaziq Khiyani

Let’s perform a basic experiment to understand the severe effects of acid rain on our environment. Ingredients used to perform this experiment are: water, vinegar,

Electricity Produce

Produce Electricity

Recharging a battery simply requires you to reverse the flow of electrons using a separate energy source such as electricity. When the process is complete,

Drink Dispensing Machine

Drink Dispensing Machine

An easy homemade drink dispensing machine that you can refill and reuse. This will be used for multiple soft drinks.

Air Pressure By Raina Lalani

Air Pressure by Raina Lalani

This experiment is all about understanding air pressure using basic home material: A bowl of water, tissue paper, a water glass. The air around you

Air Pressure By Ayyan Lalani

Air Pressure by Ayyan Lalani

This experiment is about air pressure. Use basic home materials to understand air pressure. All you need for this experiment is: Tissue paper, a bowl

Water Experiment Project

Water Experiment Project

Water experiment. Three different experiments of water will be performed and you will see the results. 1- Walking Water 2- Oil and Water 3- Sink

Bouncy Egg Science Experiment

Bouncy Egg Science Experiment

How does the bouncy egg science experiment work? The egg becomes bouncy as a result of a chemical reaction between the eggshell and the vinegar.