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Volcano Experiment

In this video, Azal has made a volcano experiment. She really enjoyed making this and she also learnt what can happen when the following two

Natural Disaster

Natural Disaster

1) The red lava is the result of a chemical reaction between baking soda and vinegar. In this reaction the carbon dioxide gas is produced.

Volcano Explosion!

Volcano Explosion!

This video is about how I made my volcano and how you can make yours too! A volcano is a mountain which has a crater

Underwater Volcano

Underwater Volcano

Steps: Take hot water in big jar. Add fruit coloring and water in small bottle. Insert small coloring bottle into the big jar of hot



A preschooler and his dad building a volcano from Lego and creating a chemical reaction with baking soda and vinegar to cause an eruption “shower”.

Rainbow Lava Lamps Rebone

Rainbow Lava Lamps Rebone

I have made Rainbow Lava Lamps. In this video learn how to have fun with colours. This was an amazing experience and I was truly