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GSF Farah Kara 2021

Under the theme of Economic Development, the project consists of a solar oven that can cook food with only solar energy.

Festival STEM Omar Kara 2021

Under the theme of Economic Development, the project consists of transportation system that uses recyclable materials and the force of gravity as the energy source.

STEM Human Brain Part 2.1

STEM – The Human Brain

The brain. It is the most complex part of the human body. It is a soft mass of supportive tissues and nerves connected to the

Dispensador De Smarties

Dispensador De Smarties

Aqui fica uma ideia de como construir um dispensador de Smarties ou M&M’s a partir da reciclagem de materiais do dia a dia ou que

Flutua Ou Não Flutua

Flutua Ou Não Flutua

A experiência flutua ou não flutua é uma forma divertida e pedagógica das crianças pequenas perceberem a diferença de comportamento de vários materiais na água.

Our Lego Milk Mixer

Our Lego Milk Mixer

Construction of a Milk Mixer using Lego pieces. The mixer is divided in two parts: spinning and mixing. The energy comes from the spinning component

Magic Bubbling Potion

Magic Bubbling Potion

This experiment is to create a magic bubble potion. It’s chemistry! When baking soda (a base) and vinegar (an acid) are mixed together then the

Balloon Rocket Science Experiment

Balloon Rocket Science Experiment

Construction of a balloon rocket using materials like fishing line, a straw and a balloon. After filling the balloon, the air serves as propellant for

Wave Machine

Wave Machine

This is a wave machine it is used to replicate the affects of transverse waves.

Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

This experiment shows how and if dishwashing liquid reacts in milk, water or vinegar.

Making An Animated Short Film

Making an Animated Short Film

Short movie animation using Flipaclip software, in which the principles of animation are explained. The story depicts two friends that are discussing their participation in