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Volcanic Colorful Eruption

Volcanic Colorful Eruption

An activity to demonstrate chemical reaction combining baking soda and vinegar. Steps: Add baking soda, vinegar and colours, as you add vinegar the mixture start

Lava Lamp Experiment

Lava Lamp Experiment

This video demonstrates how you can conduct the lava lamp experiment. Using materials that are readily available in the home, you can see the effect

Magic Balloon

Magic Balloon

Baking soda & vinegar form carbon dioxide which makes the balloon inflate

Chemical Reactions

Chemical Reactions

This experiment shows how and if dishwashing liquid reacts in milk, water or vinegar.

Air Pressure Experiment

Air Pressure Experiment

This video is about air pressure, how the pressure of air raises the water from the bottle and comes out of the space created through

Magic Milk Experiment

Magic Milk Experiment

A fun science experiment by Ariannah which shows how molecules of two liquids with different surface tensions interact with each other