Elephants, the largest land animals, are majestic creatures. Many farmers in Kenya see them as lumbering pests. Human-wildlife conflict is becoming a bigger threat to elephants than poaching. Amboseli National Park is home to more than 1600 elephants. But the park can only sustain several hundred elephants. The rest migrate through private conservancies, community grazing land, and the expanding commercial farms springing up along a new highway linking Kenya and Tanzania. Unfortunately, many elephants forage for food while trampling farmers’ tomato and cornfields. As the elephants ply their ancient migratory routes, conflict is inevitable. After an elephant killed a Maasai herder at a watering hole for cattle, his friends speared five pachyderms in revenge. Kenya’s wildlife vets had to scramble to patch up the victims. A film by Sheila Sendeyo & Robert Gichira co-produced with NTV Kenya. GNV-011
Chemistry is more than just atoms and molecules. Join us as we explore the applications of chemistry in our lives and on earth.
What is the significance of a birthday in Imam's life? Let's recall past milestone birthday celebrations, explore the life and Imamat of Mawlana Hazar Imam, and enjoy inspiring expressions of devotion.
What is the significance of a birthday in Imam's life? Let's recall past milestone birthday celebrations, explore the life and Imamat of Mawlana Hazar Imam, and enjoy inspiring expressions of devotion.
What is the significance of a birthday in Imam's life? Let's recall past milestone birthday celebrations, explore the life and Imamat of Mawlana Hazar Imam, and enjoy inspiring expressions of devotion.
What is the significance of a birthday in Imam's life? Let's recall past milestone birthday celebrations, explore the life and Imamat of Mawlana Hazar Imam, and enjoy inspiring expressions of devotion.
What is the significance of a birthday in Imam's life? Let's recall past milestone birthday celebrations, explore the life and Imamat of Mawlana Hazar Imam, and enjoy inspiring expressions of devotion.
From Prophet Muhammad's (s.a.a.s) declaration at Ghadir-e-Khumm to our present Imam, learn about the Shia interpretation of Islam and the history of the Ismaili Imamat.
Watch videos and photos of delicious cakes baked by families for Mawlana Hazar Imam's Birthday, sing and dance with your fellow Jamati members to a newly composed song, and listen to various genres of music from our USA artists. How do you express your love for our Imam? Reminisce with us as we celebrate Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 84th Birthday!
Following Saligrah Greetings from President Ameerally Kassim-Lakha on behalf of the Leadership of the Ismaili Council for Canada, travel across the country with hosts Zahra Premji, Farah Nasser, Attiya Hirji, Fahima Sultani, Malika Karim-Rajan and Ziyah Karmali, for a celebration you won't want to miss!
Shhh....it's a surprise for our Imam! Watch as our youngest leaders from around the world come together to plan a special 84th birthday for Mawlana Hazar Imam.
A l’occasion de Salgirah, découvrons ensemble les artistes de la Juridiction Française à travers ce court film montrant leurs œuvres ainsi que des interviews de chaque artiste. Baladez-vous entre les merveilleux tableaux, photographies et dessins! | On the occasion of Salgirah, get to know the artists of the French Jurisdiction through this short film featuring their works and interviews. Get lost between amazing paintings, photographs and drawings!
The Art of Being Smart is one of a kind high-performance coaching program created for high school and post-secondary students. The unique concepts that you are about to learn are personally taught by Aleem Nasser (MBA) - the president and founder of The Art of Being Smart. Aleem is an author, university instructor, international speaker, and entrepreneur who has taught his "equation for success" to over 4000 individuals worldwide and has consulted with many global institutions.
Tune into Mehndi Laga ki be Raat with a tuturial in how to adorn your hands with beautiful intricate henna designs by Salima Virani, a professional henna artist trained by Ash Kumar. Get into the Salgirah feel and learn two detailed designs where she will show us how simple designs can turn into an elaborate piece of art.
Take a trip down memory lane with ECDC Tanzania and Zambia through a collection of videos and photos of at-home learning sessions during the pandemic with the support of parents, as well as physically-distanced in-person sessions.
This week we commemorate the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The day is designed to promote respectful, accessible, and fair communities for all. Join President Ameerally Kassim-Lakha for an update on recent COVID-related developments as well as host Natasha Walji of Google Canada, Dr. Jamil Jivraj, and several special guests who discuss their own experiences, confront stereotypes, and explore what role we can all play in creating more inclusive, caring and just communities.
AKEB Uganda: Parenting Matters Teens, Educationist, Parenting Counselor, and Motivational Speaker by Aneela Altaf Mukhi.
Kenya’s youth will save their wildlife, only if they appreciate what they’ve inherited in their National Parks and Conservancies. Guided by local conservationists, the children will experience the first time thrill of spotting endangered Baringo giraffes and the spectacular flamingo flocks of Lake Bogoria. A film by Joan Kabugu. GNV-010
Are you curious about how human interactions impact the earth and its resources? Join us as we explore the role and future of our environment and energy.

Showing 64–84 of 459 results