The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the United Arab Emirates hosted a live 24-hour online cultural marathon #symposium which saw #UAE Ambassadors from countries around the world engaging with museum directors, artists, design specialists, and heads of cultural institutions on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and sharing insights in relation to future trends. The conversation took place between His Excellency Fahad Al Raqbani, UAE Ambassador to Canada, and Dr Mahmoud Eboo, Diplomatic Representative of the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat and the AgaKhan Development Network in Canada.
Looking at each individual family member’s physical and psychological well-being as well as the quality of relationships between each family member is important in understanding how to promote happiness within a family unit.
This webinar will cover how the E-Commerce industry is rapidly changing and how SME's can evolve to benefit from this.
This webinar is a deeper dive into the freelance journey. Learn about prospecting, growth hacking, and how to communicate effectively with clients to win more proposals in the gig economy.
Learn strategies to help you cope better during the current unprecedented challenging times and motivate yourself with a positive mindset.
A webinar for all Community Members aged 29 years and above to learn how healthy eating leads to better daily productivity and overall good health.
The epidemic of NCDs poses devastating health consequences for individuals, families, and communities, and threatens to overwhelm health systems. The socioeconomic costs associated with NCDs make the prevention and control of these diseases a major development imperative for the 21st century.
This episode covers ways to earn extra income, in-demand skill sets, and success in the gig economy in the United Arab Emirates.
Discussing cash flow management for small and medium sized enterprises with Mohamed Moloo.
COVID-19: Understanding Real Estate Commitments hosted by Mohamad Khodr Al-Dash and presented by Events at Ismaili Centre Dubai.
This webinar provides information and advice to help you develop and maintain your personal budget, with Mishal Badruddin, Finance Director at Central Ventilation Systems. Presented by AKEPB Pakistan and AKEPB UAE.

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