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In this Climate Speaker series, guest speaker Rozina Kanchwala, Director of Energy Justice Partnerships at Clean Energy Leadership Institute and the Founder and Executive Director at Eco. Logic discusses Renewable Energy / Development of Alternate Sources of Energy and how the industry is growing and evolving.
"این برنامه بحث مختصری با نویسندهی کتاب، آقای دکتر دگیخدا دگیاف در مورد منشأ کتاب و دلایل تحقیق در این زمینه است. همچنین، در مورد تاریخ دعوت اسماعیلی در منطقهای که اکنون آسیای مرکزی یا از لحاظ تاریخی به خراسان معروف است، ازجمله نقش ناصر خسرو در گسترش بیشتر دعوت اسماعیلی در منطقه و اهداف اولیهی روسها در منطقه صحبت میکند. در ادامه، به بررسی اینکه چه عواملی باعث تغییر سیاست دولت شوروی در قبال اسماعیلیان شد، بررسی دانش شوروی در مطالعهی مذهب اسماعیلی و تفاوت دانشمندان شوروی و غربی در رویکرد مطالعهی اسماعیلیه میپردازد. علاوه بر این، پیشرفت در مطالعهی مذهب اسماعیلی از زمان فروپاشی اتحاد جماهیر شوروی را بررسی میکند.//
Ин барнома cуҳбати мухтасар бо нависандаи китоб дар бораи пайдоиши китоб ва сабабхои таҳқиқ дар ин мавзуъ мебошад. Он ҳамчунин дар бораи таърихи даъвати исмоилия дар минтақа, ки ҳоло бо номи Осиёи Марказӣ ё таърихан Хуросон маъруф аст, аз ҷумла нақши Носири Хусрав дар густариши минбаъдаи даъвати исмоилия дар минтақа сухан меравад. Ҳадафҳои аввалини русҳо дар омӯзиши исмоилия ва кадом омилҳо боиси тағйири сиёсати ҳукумати шӯравӣ нисбати исмоилия шуданд. Баррасии донишмандони шӯравӣ дар пажӯҳиши исмоилия ва тафовут байни уламои шӯравӣ ва ғарбӣ дар бархӯрд ба омӯзиши исмоилия. Инчунин пешрафт дар омӯзиши исмоилия пас аз фурупошии Иттиҳоди Шӯравӣ низ арзёби шудааст.//
Author Dr Dagikhudo Dagiev, discusses the origin of his book and reasons for research on this topic. He also talks about the history of the Ismaili daʿwa in the region of what is now Central Asia or historically known as Khurasan including the role of Nāṣir-i Khusraw in further spread of Ismaili daʿwa in the region, the initial aims of the Russians in the study of Ismailism and what factors led to the change of the policy of the Soviet government towards Ismailis, the review of the Soviet scholarship in the study of Ismailism, and the differences between Soviet and Western scholars in the approach to the study of Ismailism. In addition, he examines the progress in the study of Ismailism since the disintegration of the Soviet Union."
In this Climate Speaker series, guest speaker Haseena Charania, Senior Sustainability Consultant at Quantis, discusses Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) frameworks and how the industry is growing and evolving.
Members of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s family welcomed President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and other senior leaders to commemorate Imamat Day at the Diwan of the Ismaili Imamat in Lisbon.
The Ismaili Sounds is pleased to present As part of our Imamat Day playlist, a rendition of "Ashq Barsaaye," produced by Asif Noorani, and performed by Shama Judah & Zaheed Damani. The song, originally written and performed by the Salimahabad Orchestra from Karachi, touches on the themes of supplication, love, and longing for the beloved.
As we eagerly anticipate a thrilling adventure next summer, The Ismaili is pleased to present the official Global Encounters Festival song, “Dubai let’s go.” This incredible music video was created by talented musicians, vocalists, dancers, and choreographers of different ages from 11 countries, while the song features lines in English, Farsi, Arabic, and Hindi. Whether you’re planning to attend the festival in person or watch along from home — come on, let's go to Dubai!
پرفسور محمدعلی امیرمعزی، استاد مطالعات شیعی در مدرسهی مطالعات عالی سوربن در پاریس، دربارهی ریشههای نخستین اسلام، زندگی پیامبر اکرم و سویههای معرفتی و باطنی اسلام شیعی سخن میگوید. در این گفتوگو، چکیدهای از انواع نظریهها دربارهی شکلگیری تشیع و رویکردهای مختلف مورخان و منظرهای باطنی مؤمنان و همچنین روايتهای شکلگرفته در ادوار تاریخی بعد از حیات پیامبر به ويژه در ذیل دستگاههای خلافتی را میشنویم.//
Профессор Муҳаммад Алӣ Амир Муъизӣ, устоди мутолиъоти Шиъӣ дар мадрасаи мутолиъоти олии Сорбон дар Парис, дар бораи решаҳои нахустини Ислом, зиндагии паёмбари Акрам ва савияҳои маърифатӣ ва ботинии Исломи Шиъӣ сухан мегуяд. Дар иг гуфтугу, чакидае аз анвоъи назарияҳо дар бораи шаклгирии Ташайюъ ва руйкардҳои мухталифи муаррихон ва манзарҳои ботинии муъминон ва ҳамчунин ривоятҳои шаклгирифтаи дар адвори таърихии баъд аз ҳаёти паёмбар, ба вижаи дар зайли дастгоҳҳои хилофатиро, мешунавем.//
Professor M. A. Amir-Moezzi discusses different theories about the early formation of Islam and Shi’i communities, the life of the Prophet and the esoteric aspects of the guidance of Shi’i Imams, centering around the spiritual life of Imam Ali. He is a specialist of Shi'i Imami theology, Islamic mysticism and classical Persian poetry. Since 1992, he has been the Professor of Islamic Studies at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Sorbonne University, Paris), is currently the holder of the prestigious chair "Exegesis and Theology" (occupied before him by L.Massignon, H.Corbin and D.Gimaret), and is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Ismaili Studies.
The moment we’ve been waiting for is finally here! After months of anticipation and suspense, we are thrilled to announce the location city for the Global Encounters Festival 2024!
From world-ranking championship events to themed showcases, get ready to immerse yourselves in breathtaking landscapes and rich culture and heritage. Prepare to have your senses captivated by the fusion of tradition and innovation that defines this remarkable location!
Join us for The Ismaili Update: Lisboa 25! See exclusive highlights as Prince Amyn, Prince Rahim, and Prince Aly Muhammad joined guests to celebrate a momentous occasion — 25 years of The Ismaili Centre Lisbon. At the event, President Marcelo honoured The Ismaili Centre by awarded the building with the Portuguese Order of Merit.
Join us for a special Imamat Day edition of The Ismaili Update with hosts Noorin Gulamgaus and Alina Dhrolia, on the 66th anniversary of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s accession to the Ismaili Imamat. Learn more about events happening later this week to celebrate 25 years of the Ismaili Centre Lisbon, and don’t miss a special message from artists and athletes about the upcoming Global Encounters Festival!
When did it all start, and how did it begin? See and hear the full story of the Ismaili Centre Lisbon, including highlights, special moments, and exclusive footage collected over several decades. As part of its 25th-anniversary celebrations, join us for an in-depth reflection on what the Centre has meant in the lives of the Jamat and the wider community in Portugal and beyond.
When did it all start, and how did it begin? See and hear the full story of the Ismaili Centre Lisbon, including highlights, special moments, and exclusive footage collected over several decades. As part of its 25th-anniversary celebrations, join us for an in-depth reflection on what the Centre has meant in the lives of the Jamat and the wider community in Portugal and beyond.
Join us from Naryn and Khorog for the third and final episode of The Ismaili Update: University of Central Asia. Follow along as we share highlights from yesterday's convocation ceremony with our hosts Sabrina and Assylbek.
The #Ismaili is pleased to present “Can I join your band,” produced and performed by The Sufistics. This multi-layered composition explores the intricate themes of longing and belonging. Its lyrics inspire reflection on the challenges and rewards of finding one’s way in life and maintaining a balance between #din (faith) and #dunya (world).
Join us from Naryn and Khorog for the second episode of The Ismaili Update: University of Central Asia.
Follow along as Princess Zahra and her children, Sara and Iliyan, arrive in Naryn to meet with UCA students, staff, and guests ahead of tomorrow’s convocation.
Also, get a behind-the-scenes look at UCA Student Awards Night, where students were recognised for outstanding achievements during their time at the University.
Don't forget to tune in to The Ismaili TV to watch a livestream of the big ceremony in just a few hours!
Join us from #Naryn and #Khorog for the first episode of The #Ismaili Update: University of Central Asia. Get to know our hosts Sabrina and Assylbek who will share their firsthand experiences at UCA. Also get a behind-the-scenes look at preparations taking place for the UCA convocation ceremony, which will take place this Friday and will be attended by Princess Zahra. Don't forget to tune in to The Ismaili TV to watch a livestream of the ceremony!
In an exclusive interview for The Ismaili TV, Prince Hussain walks us through his captivating underwater photography exhibition, The Living Sea - Fragile Beauty. He speaks about the beauty and vulnerability of the oceans and also shares personal stories from his marine photography excursions.
Join us from France for The Ismaili Update: Chantilly, including highlights of the special ceremony yesterday in which the French authorities honoured Mawlana Hazar Imam’s commitment to the town of Chantilly. Prince Amyn represented Hazar Imam at the event, accompanied by Princess Zahra, Prince Hussain, Prince Aly Muhammad, and Hazar Imam’s grandson, Iliyan.
Join us from Toronto for the second episode of The Ismaili Update: The Living Sea - Fragile Beauty, featuring exclusive clips from Prince Hussain and Princess Fareen’s visit to the Aga Khan Museum; the Ismaili Centre, Toronto; and the University of Waterloo.
Celebrate Prince Hussain and Princess Farheen's visit to Canada with a special episode of Friday Night Reflections. Host Ziyana Vasaya begins in Calgary and ends in Toronto, with a stop in Waterloo. The episode recaps events of the past week and reflects on some of the critical themes emerging from Prince Hussain’s captivating underwater photography exhibition, The Living Sea - Fragile Beauty.
"دکتر فرهاد دفتری پس از 34 سال خدمت در سمتهای مختلف، از جمله بهعنوان مدیر موسسهی مطالعات اسماعیلی، از سمتهای مدیریتی خود کنارهگیری کرد. مولانا حاضرامام دکتر دفتری را به عنوان عضو هیات امنا و مدیر بازنشستهی موسسهی مطالعات اسماعیلی منصوب کرد. همچنین به پاس قدردانی از چند دهه خدمات او، در مراسم بزرگداشتی توسط شاهزاده رحیم از سوی مولانا حاضر امام، بورسیه دکتری موسسه به عنوان بورسیه تحصیلی فرهاد دفتری نامگذاری شد. با ما در این گفتگو با دکتر فرهاد دفتری همراه باشید.//
Пас аз 34 соли хизмат дар мақомҳои мухталиф, аз ҷумла ахиран ба ҳайси директори Институти Мутолиоти Исмоилӣ, доктор Фарҳод Дафтарӣ аз мақомҳои роҳбарӣ истеъфо дод. Мавлоно Ҳазар Имом доктор Дафтариро узви Шӯрои Мудирони Институти Мутолиаи Исмоилӣ ва Мудири Фахрӣ таъин кард. Ҳамчунин, ба ифтихори хизматҳои чандинсолаи ӯ дар чорабинии ёдбуд, Шоҳзода Раҳим Оғохон стипендияи доктории Институти Мутолиаи Исмоилиро ҳамчун стипендияи Фарҳоди Дафтарӣ эълон кард. Бо мо бо ин мусоҳиба бо доктор Фарҳоди Дафтарӣ ҳамроҳ шавед.//
After 34 years of service in various positions, including most recently as Director of the IIS, Dr. Farhad Daftary stepped down from his management positions. Mawlana Hazar Imam appointed Dr. Daftary as a Member of the IIS Board of Governors and Director Emeritus, and in appreciation of his many years of service, at a commemoration event, Prince Rahim Aga Khan announced that the IIS Doctoral Scholarship was renamed to the Farhad Daftary Scholarship. Join us for this interview with Dr. Farhad Daftary."