Esteem Scholars Kamaluddin Ali Muhammad and Sabz-Ali Haji Baig reflect on the recent message Mawlana Hazar Imam sent on 2 November 2020. With their knowledge and years of experience, they try to highlight the essence of the message for the Jamat to think about and take advantage of in their daily lives.
What is the future of work, and what can students do to prepare for it? In this first episode of Careers of the Future, Zabeen Hirji discusses the impact of emerging career trends on high school and university students. CAR-001
Special guest host Mayor Naheed Nenshi in a wide-ranging conversation with journalists Ali Velshi, Farah Nasser, and Zain Velji. Our panellists will reflect on their recent election experiences, their inside views on the challenges of staying objective, fair and accurate, as well as their perspectives on the role that citizens and the government can play in supporting a free press and strong democratic institutions.
Salimah Dharsi, a Director in Foreign Exchange Derivatives Trading, and Altaf Kassam, Managing Director and EMEA Head of Investment Strategy and Research at State Street Global Advisors, discuss how we can all build resolience into our education, careers, and businesses, as well as our personal finances, taking into account the current economic backdrop and looking to the future, and drawing on the unique strengths our community has to offer.
Nabila Tejpar, UK Rally Racing Driver, shares her story on her need for speed. SPO-001
A panel discussion with AKU’s leadership, including Trustees Princess Zahra Aga Khan and Naguib Kheraj, President Rasul, and Provost Amrhein, on the university’s future growth and its aspirations to become a liberal arts institution - United Kingdom 29 September 2018.
Ginans - Ismaili religious literature originating from the religion-cultural context of the Indian Subcontinent, has sometimes been viewed as “lacking Islamic personality”. This talk will challenge this view and introduce audiences to multiple examples of religious poetry used by various Muslim traditions from the region to highlight typical characteristics of the literature that are greatly influenced by South Asian cultural contexts. The talk will also introduce the audience to multiple IIS publications that one can turn to in order to learn more and gain further insights into this topic.
Profound mystical music can be found in South Asia, including Qawwalis, Kafis, and Ginans. Dr. Karim Gillani is an expert in the field of music and Islam, and in this session, he will explore the mystical music from South Asia, including a musical demonstration.
The Ismaili Centre 2020 Global Milad un-Nabi Lecture: The Quest for a Moral Economy in the Post-Covid Era with Prof. Mohamed Iqbal Asaria, CBE, a leading thinker and practitioner of Islamic Finance, will deliver a short presentation followed by a moderated discussion with Aga Khan Foundation (UK) National Committee Chairman, Mr. Mahmood Ahmed 11 November 2020.
An opportunity for high school and post-secondary students to explore various career options with either an Undergraduate or Master’s degree in Education. Join panelists as they share their experiences, opinions, and perspectives as well as the relevance of the career in the future. This episode is moderated by Natasha Walli, Program and Career Development Manager at the University of Toronto and features Zuhra Teja, International Educational Consultant; Salima Jaffer, National Adult Programs Manager with Canada Learning Code; Tasmeen Fidai, Learning Experience Designer with Tuesday Afternoon Media inc.
President Ameerally Kassim-Lakha provides an update on maintaining our financial well-being during these difficult times. The Advance of Technology - Reimagining the Future discussion with Dr. Moez Rajwani and Dr. Daphne Taras on what steps we can take to turn challenges into opportunities and embrace the future of work. Then, join the Inaugural FNR Debate on the resolution, "Be it resolved that technology is more of a blessing than a burden.
Kenya’s most famous TV investigative reporter produced a four-part film on the cattle wars in northern Kenya. In the lawless wilderness of northern Kenya, where pastoralists graze their cows, well-armed herders are forced to compete for diminishing grasslands in this era of climate change. Cattle rustling between Samburu, Boran, Pokot, and Turkana warriors is on the rise. Hundreds have died in senseless cattle wars that top Kenya’s losses from terrorism. A film by Sam Munia and John-Allan Namu. GNV-006
Join Shabnam Jessa and her mother, Yasmin Gaidhar, as they lead a Gujarati and English cooking class, and show us how to make a delicious treat: badam pak. Put on your aprons, and get your mixing bowls ready!
Part 2 of a three-part documentary series, Restoring Dignity: Lahore explores the transformational work of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture in Lahore. AKD-004
Have you ever wondered if Artificial Intelligence and Robotics will replace human beings? Join us as we explore these quickly evolving fields that have the potential to completely alter how our world functions.
Dr. Karen Armstrong, an internationally acclaimed scholar and best-selling author of numerous books on religion, delivered the keynote address at the Ismaili Centre, Dubai. Organised jointly by The Ismaili Centre and UAE Ministry of Tolerance, Dr. Armstrong spoke about the Charter of Compassion which she launched with religious leaders globally. The Charter has over two million signatures and brings to light the reason and urgency of practicing compassion in a polarised world.
Eid-E-Milad-un-Nabi has a great meaning: 'Nabi' means 'A man sent directly by God to mankind to lead them to the right path', Eid means 'Festive' and Milad means 'Birth'. Together it means the festival of the birth of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). What better way to celebrate His (PBUH) life, than by having a soulful discussion with scholars to reflect on his dedication to Islam. Through this program, we celebrate and give tribute to our beloved Prophet (PBUH).
President Ameerally Kassim-Lakha provides an update on maintaining our financial well-being during these difficult times. The Advance of Technology - Reimagining the Future discussion with Dr. Moez Rajwani and Dr. Daphne Taras on what steps we can take to turn challenges into opportunities and embrace the future of work. Then, join the Inaugural FNR Debate on the resolution, "Be it resolved that technology is more of a blessing than a burden.

Showing 862–882 of 1252 results