In a special interview for The Ismaili TV, Michael Kocher, General Manager of the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) speaks about the complex and multigenerational issues of poverty and lack of inclusivity. He shares examples of the work AKF is doing in 18 countries to improve the quality of life in an equitable and sustainable way.
This 28-minute documentary film introduces audiences to the transformative world of the #AgaKhan Foundation-led #Schools2030 programme and its mission to help give teachers and #school communities the tools they need to become education innovators. “Schools should be the centre of social change, not the target of change," says Dr. Andrew Cunningham, the Global Lead for Education at the #AgaKhanFoundation.
In this episode of Visionary Voices, Khalil Shariff, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation, Canada explores the topic of resilience in the face of crisis.
Take a look at how the Aga Khan Foundation Canada is making a difference around the world. Delivered in French.
Take a look at how the Aga Khan Foundation Canada is making a difference around the world. Delivered in french.

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