"به مناسبت عید امامت، این برنامه نگاه مختصری می‌اندازد به کوشش‌های مولانا حاضرامام محبوبمان برای بهبود کیفیت زندگی جماعت و کسانی که جماعت که در میان آن‌ها زندگی می‌کنند.// Ин барнома ба муносибати ҷашни имомат Мавлоно Ҳозир Имом ба таври мухтасар ба фаъолиятҳои Ҳозир Имоми маҳбубамон дар ҷиҳати баланд бардоштани сатҳи зиндагии ҷамоъат ва мардумоне, ки дар миёни онҳо зиндагӣ мекунанд, назар мегузорад.// On the occasion of Imamat Day, this episode briefly looks at our beloved Hazar Imam’s activities for improving the quality of life of the Jamat and the people amongst whom they live."
Exclusively produced for The Ismaili TV, this programme is hosted from three Ismaili Centres on three different continents. The show comprises various musical items produced for The Ismaili Sounds for Imamat Day. It features musicians from around the world, including well-known artists such as Salim-Sulaiman, Shehzad Roy, Nobovar, Takkat, Faisal Kapadia, Natasha Baig, Farhan Shah, The Sufistics, and many more. The programme also features a special message to Mawlana Hazar Imam from all the Ismaili Council Presidents across the world on behalf of the global Jamat, as well as some fun and exciting content for children.

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