Browse Programmes
The Ismaili is pleased to present “The Journey,” performed by Canadian artists Alya Bejaoui, Anar Jassani, Nureen Sumar, and Sarosh Dadani. The lyrics tell a story of individual search—our journeys are different but destination remains the same. The song hopes to inspire peace, courage, and connection as we enter a new year full of hope and optimism.
In this episode of “Reflections,” Alwaeza Sheizana Murji offers a way to approach some of the questions we may face in the new year, drawing on the ethics of our faith for a happier and more fulfilling 2024.
Join us for a new episode of The #Ismaili Update, as we look back at the exciting stories from the worldwide Jamat during the action-packed month of #December.
Join host Silmi Dhrolia for the latest episode of The #Ismaili Update: COP28. See highlights of Prince Rahim and Prince Hussain’s visit to COP28, and find out how AKDN agencies and members of the Jamat participated in the conference.
به مناسبت هشتاد و هفتمین سالگرد میلاد مولانا حاضر امام، دکتر داریوش محمدپور، دانشیار مؤسسهی مطالعات اسماعیلی، مروری بر سنت و عقاید اسماعیلی در زمینهی امامت خواهد داشت و به طور خاص به دستاوردهای امامت در زمینه نهادسازی و ساختارهای جدید برای بهبود کیفیت زندگی مردم و خدمت به جماعت و بشریت در بافتار اصول و عقاید اسماعیلی اشاره دارد.//
Ба муносибати ҳаштоду ҳафтумин солгарди мелоди Мавлоно Ҳозир Имом, Доктор Дориюш Муҳаммадпур, дотсенти Муассисаи Мутолиъоти Исмоилӣ, шарҳи умумиро дар мавриди баррасии суннат ва ақоъиди Исмоилӣ дар мавзуъи имомат пешкаш хоҳад кард. Дар тули ин суҳбат ба хусус дастовардҳои имомат дар заминаи ниҳодсозӣ ва сохторҳои ҷадид барои беҳбудӣ кайфияти зиндагии мардум ва хидмат ба ҷамоъат ва башарият дар васеътари принсипҳо ва эътиқодҳои исмоилӣ мавриди таҳлил қарор хоҳад шуд.//
On the occasion of Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 87th birthday, Dr Daryoush Mohammad Poor, Associate Professor at the Institute of Ismaili Studies offers an overview of Ismaili traditions and beliefs on Imamat and specifically on the achievements of the Imamat in the areas of institution-building and contemporary governing structures of the Jamat in order to improve the quality of life of people, to serve the Jamat and humanity within the broader context of Ismaili principles and beliefs.
As we prepare to celebrate Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 87th birthday, The Ismaili brings you a recorded reading from the book “Ismaili Festivals: Stories of Celebration,” in which author Shiraz Kabani describes how the happy occasion of Salgirah is commemorated in various parts of the world.
Join us for a special #Salgirah edition of The Ismaili Update with hosts Ayaz Manji and Sahra Ahmady. See how the worldwide community is celebrating Mawlana Hazar Imam’s 87th birthday today, and learn about the gift presented to Hazar Imam on behalf of the global Jamat.
Love & Gratitude: As we prepare to celebrate our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam's birthday, The Ismaili is pleased to present our Love & Gratitude video series, which reminds us of the Imam's immense love for his Jamat and the countless reasons why we offer our shukrana to the Imam.
Throughout his Imamat, Mawlana Hazar Imam has stressed the importance of building peaceful societies around the world. He has emphasised that conflicts should be resolved within the ethics of our faith, through dialogue, compassion, tolerance, generosity, and forgiveness, and not through violence. In order to advance peace in the world, Hazar Imam’s institutions have worked to assist developing societies become more stable, pluralistic, and forward-looking. We thank our beloved Imam for all he has done to make our world a more peaceful place, and we offer prayers for all the people of the world who are living in situations of conflict for the easing of their difficulties and an end to violence around the world.
Watch the Opening Ceremony and Performing Arts Showcase of CongOlympics held in Kinshasa on the weekend of October 27, 2023. Artists and athletes from all of DRC come together to celebrate diversity and excellence in their respective fields. This is the qualifying event of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) for the Global Encounters Festival to be held in Dubai in 2024.
Join host Zainne Saleh for the latest episode of The Ismaili Update featuring a significant milestone for the Ismaili Center Houston and a special honor for Mawlana Hazar Imam! See exclusive highlights as Prince Amyn attends a luncheon in honour of Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, accepts the Key to the City of Houston on behalf of Mawlana Hazar Imam, and participates in a Topping Out ceremony for the Ismaili Center Houston to celebrate a milestone in the construction journey.
Ethics are central to dispute prevention, dispute resolution, and compliance. If murids act ethically, in pursuit of the common good, they will contribute to an ethos of fairness and minimization of conflicts. Further, if murids are open to moral encouragement, they will be more amenable to settling disputes amicably and ethically. Once a dispute is settled, there is a moral commitment needed to comply with its terms. On Day 5 of Mediation Week, we revisit the role of ethics in disputes and how the Ismaili Conciliation and Arbitration Boards help the Jamat resolve disputes by providing an ethical culture of mediation.
Business disputes can be prevented through strong documentation and agreements. On Day 4 of Mediation Week, we explore the importance of well-considered contracts and agreements and how they can help mitigate and manage risk, as well as avoid misunderstandings and disputes.
Resolving conflicts through mediation over litigation has many advantages, including being more cost-effective and confidential. It also offers individuals the freedom to resolve conflicts themselves. On Day 3 of Mediation Week, we continue to explore the benefits of mediation and how to assess risk of litigation versus mediation from a judge’s perspective. Join us in Part II of Judicial Perspectives with Justice Hafeez Amarshi (Canada) and Justice Aleem Visram (Kenya) as they talk about the importance of resolving conflicts through mediation over litigation.
Resolving conflicts through mediation over litigation has many advantages, including being more cost-effective and confidential. It also offers individuals the freedom to resolve conflicts themselves. On Day 2 of Mediation Week, we explore the benefits of mediation and how to assess risk of litigation versus mediation from a judge’s perspective. Join us in Part I of Judicial Perspectives with Justice Halim Dhanidina (USA) as he talks about the importance of resolving conflicts through mediation over litigation.
In this episode of FNR, delve into Global Encounters, the newest Jamati insititution established by Mawlana Hazar Imam to unite and uplift the global Jamat. In addition to an interview recorded especially for The Ismaili TV where Malik Talib, Chairman of the Ismaili Leaders' International Forum (LIF), talks about the inception and goals for this new institution, hear about stories from members of the Jamat whose passions have blossomed through Global Encounters programs such as the Jubilee Games and Jubilee Arts festivals.
Mediation Week is recognized in countries around the world every October to highlight the value of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as a constructive and cost-effective alternative to litigation. This year, the Ismaili International Conciliation and Arbitration Board is presenting a series of programs that provide insights on how to prevent and manage conflicts. On Day 1 of Mediation Week, we explore how people can prevent disputes with generosity, fairness, and an open mind.
Hosts Tanya Yousofi and Aryaan Kanji roll out the red carpet for the incredible performing artists from across Canada. Winners announced will represent Canada at the 2024 Global Encounters Festival in Dubai. Enjoy the show as spectacular vocalists, instrumental virtuosos, phenomenal dancers, and creative visionaries entertain and inspire you with their passion and artistry.
A conversation with Malik Talib, Chairman of the Ismaili Leaders’ International Forum (LIF) about the inception of Global Encounters and the goals for this new institution.
In our latest episode of The Ismaili Update, we look back at the exciting stories from the worldwide Jamat during the action-packed month of September 2023.
In this Climate Speaker series, guest speaker Naushad Amlani, Sr Project Manager at Nova Group GBC, discusses Carbon Accounting and how the industry is growing and evolving.
"در این گفتوگو، دکتر داریوش محمدپور، مدرس و پژوهشگر ارشد مؤسسهی مطالعات اسماعیلی درباره اخیرترین کتابش که تصحیح و ترجمهی تازهای از مجلس مکتوب شهرستانی است صحبت میکند و توضیحاتی پیرامون شخصيت شهرستانی، آثارش و مضامين مهم مجلس خوارزم ارایه میکند.//
Дар ин гуфтугу, доктор Дориюш Мухаммад Пур,мударрис ва пажухишгари аршади Муасисаи Мутолиёти Исмоили дар бораи китоби нави худ, ки тасхех ва тарчумаи тозае аз мачлиси мактуби Шахристони аст сухбат мекунад ва тавзехоте перомуни шахсияти Шахристони, гузориш ва осораш мазмуни мухими Маслиси Хоразм ироа мекунад.//
In this conversation, Dr Daryoush Mohammad Poor, Senior Research Associate and Lecturer at the IIS gives a detailed account of the subject of his latest publication, Command and Creation, with an overview of the life and work of Muhammad al-Shahrastani and the importance of his thought for the Ismailis of the Alamut era."