National Programmes
From the Navroz 2021 episode of Friday Night Reflections, learn how to make delicious sherbet and haft mewa, enjoy a beautiful recitation of Jalaluddin Rum's poem, Spring! and listen to 3 unique musical expressions guaranteed to help you celebrate, as One Jamat, this season of spiritual renewal and physical rejuvenation.
این برنامه به شرح مختصری از سیر تحول تاریخی شیعهی اسماعیلی در افغانستان میپردازد.//
Ин барнома ба шарҳи мухтасаре аз сайри таҳаввули таърихии Шиъаи Исмоилия дар Афғонистон мепардозад.//
This episode will briefly discuss the historical developments of Shia Ismailis in Afghanistan.
In this episode of FNR, Khalil Z. Shariff, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation Canada, and Dr. Najmuddin Najm, CEO of Aga Khan Foundation Afghanistan sit down with host Kiran Hayat for a wide-ranging conversation exploring the situation in Afghanistan on the ground. They discuss the lifesaving impact of AKDN activities and its efforts to address food insecurity, employment, health care, education, and the status of women.
"این برنامه به بررسی مسائل فلسفی دینی از نگاه اسماعیلیان بدخشان میپردازد که در دعوتهای دینی سنتی برگزار میگردند.//
Баррасии масъоили фалсафӣ-динӣ аз нигоҳи Исмоилиёни Бадахшон, ка дар даъватҳои динӣ-суннатӣ баргузор мегарданд.//
This programme will discuss the philosophical and religious issues from the Badakhshani’s Ismailis perspectives that are held in their religious tradition ceremonies."
Get ready to be inspired by 5 amazing women breaking down barriers and leading the way in their fields. Host Iman Rajwani presents Aisha Visram, Head Athletic Trainer for the AHL Ontario Reign; entrepreneur Farhangiz Jumah; Nazneen Damji, United Nations Senior Policy Advisor, and a conversation between stand-up comedian, Shereen Kassam, and Shereen Ladha, dancer, choreographer and businesswoman.
"به مناسبت آغاز سال جدید، این برنامه به بزرگداشت جشن نوروز و سنتهای جماعت فارسیزبان میپردازد.//
Ба муносибати оғози соли ҷадид, ин барнома ба бузургдошти ҷашни навруз ва суннатҳои ҷамоъати форсизабон мепардозад.//
On the occasion of the new year, this episode focuses on Navroz/Nowruz celebrations and traditions of Farsi speaking Jamat."
این برنامه به گفتگو با آقای دکتر داریوش محمدپور، نویسندهی کتاب دربارهی شبکهی توسعهی آقاخان و امامت اسماعیلی میپردازد.//
Ин барнома ба гуфтугу бо Доктор Дориюш Муҳаммадпур, нависандаи китоб дар бораи Шабакаи Тавсиъаи Оғохон ва Имомати Исмоилӣ мепардозад.//
This programme is a conversation with Dr. Daryoush Mohammad Poor, the author of the book about the AKDN and the Ismaili Imamat institutions.
این برنامه ابتدا به بررسی اختلال استرس پس از آسیب میپردازد و سپس علایم و راهکارای درمان روانشناختی را به اختصار بیان خواهد کرد.//
Ин барнома, аввалан ба ихтилоли пас аз осебро дида мебарояд ва сипас ба таври мухтасар аломатҳо ва чораҳои табобати равониро ба таври мухтасар баён хоҳад кард.//
This program looks at post-traumatic stress disorders and briefly discusses the symptoms and psychological treatment measures.
به مناسبت جشن مولود مولانا حاضرامام، این برنامه نگاه مختصری میاندازد به کوششهای مولانا حاضرامام محبوبمان برای تحقق وجدان اجتماعی اسلام و بهبود کیفیت زندگی جماعت و کسانی که جماعت در میان آنها زندگی میکنند. //
On the occasion of Salgirah, this program will briefly look at our beloved Hazar Imam’s activities for the realisation of the social conscience of Islam and improving the quality of life of the Jamat and the people amongst whom they live. //
Ин барнома ба муносибати ҷашни мавлуди Мавлоно Ҳозир Имом ба таври мухтасар ба фаъолиятҳои Ҳозир Имоми маҳбубамон дар ҷиҳати таҳаққуқи виҷдони иҷтимоии Исломӣ ва баланд бардоштани сатҳи зиндагии ҷамоъат ва мардумоне, ки дар миёни онҳо зиндагӣ мекунанд, назар мегузорад.
ITREB India presents a Salgirah Sandesh by Alwaez Abdulali Dhanani.
A special Salgirah edition of Friday Night Reflections reflects on the Imamat of Mawlana Hazar Imam, commemorating this special occasion and expressing Shukrana on 85 years of the light that lights the heart.
در این برنامه، از پیدایش و شکلگیری سنت پنجتنی در بدخشان بعد از دعوت ناصرخسرو سخن میرود. همچنین، عنصرهای اساسی این سنت از قبیل مدیحه سرایی، چراغ روشن و ماهیت زیارت مزار و قدم گاهها مورد برسی قرار میگیرند.
Дар ин суҳбат доир ба пайдоиш ва ташакулёбии суннати Панҷтанӣ дар Бадахшон баъд аз даъвати Носири Хусрав сухан меравад. Ба хусус унсурҳои асосии ин суннат аз қабили мадҳиясароӣ, чароғравшан, ва моҳияти зиёрати мазору қадамгоҳҳо мавриди барраси қарор гирифтанд.
This episode will deal with the emergence and formation of the Panjtani tradition in Badakhshan after Nasir-i Khusraw’s mission. More specifically it examines some of the key elements of the Panjtani tradition such as madāh – devotional music and poetry, the rite of Charāgh-rawshan, visitation of shrines, and veneration of the saints.
Volunteers are the heart of our community. Hear a few short stories and recollections of volunteers from across Tanzania about their experience.
به مناسبت میلاد پیامبر اکرم (ص)، این برنامه به بررسی شیوهی زندگی و عملکرد پیامبر در صدر اسلام و عملکرد پیامبرگونه در عصر حاضر میپردازد.
Ба муносибати мелоди Паёмбари Акрам (с), ин барнома ба баррасии шеваи зиндагӣ ва амалкарди паёмбар дар садри Ислом ва амалкарди паёмбаргуна дар асри ҳозир мепардозад.
On the occasion of the anniversary of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, this program will look at the life and example of the Prophet and how it could be emulated in contemporary times.
Inspired by the values of our faith and the traditions of our diverse cultures, the household staple that has kept the Jamat connected and informed is back for a second season of inspiring stories, thought-provoking reflections, deep dives on pressing local and global issues, and of course soothing, soulful sounds as a salve for the spirit in these difficult times.
In its new monthly format, FNR Season 2 will premiere this evening, Friday, October 15, with an exciting new lineup, including AKFC CEO Khalil Z. Shariff on location at the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat, President Ameerally Kassim-Lakha returning by popular demand to a familiar locale, Mayor Naheed Nenshi reflecting on over a decade in public service, and much more.
Inspired by the values of our faith and the traditions of our diverse cultures, the household staple that has kept the Jamat connected and informed is back for a second season of inspiring stories, thought-provoking reflections, deep dives on pressing local and global issues, and of course soothing, soulful sounds as a salve for the spirit in these difficult times. In its new monthly format, FNR Season 2 will premiere this evening, Friday, October 15, with an exciting new lineup, including AKFC CEO Khalil Z. Shariff on location at the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat, President Ameerally Kassim-Lakha returning by popular demand to a familiar locale, Mayor Naheed Nenshi reflecting on over a decade in public service, and much more.
This programme will provide a short historical overview of the spread of Islam in general and the Ismaili history in Badakhshan in particular. It will also provide a brief historical background on the pre-Islamic period of Badakhshan.
Ин барнома шарҳи мухтасари таърихиро дар бораи густариши дини Ислом ба хусус таърихи тариқаи Исмоилия дар Бадахшон пешкаш менамояд. Дар ин барнома ҳамчунин таърихи пеш аз исломии Бадахшон ба тарзи мухтасар мавриди барраси қарор гирифтааст.
این برنامه شرح مختصر تاریخی را دربارهی گسترش دین اسلام به خصوص تاریخ طریقهی اسماعیلیه در بدخشان پیشکش مینماید. در این برنامه، همچنین تاریخ پیش از اسلامی بدخشان به اختصار مورد بررسی قرار گرفته است.
On our final installment of Summer Reflections, we look back to a thought-provoking and wide-ranging conversation between Mawlana Hazar Imam and CBC journalist Peter Mansbridge. Featuring welcome remarks by Faizal Khamisa.
Social justice, diversity, climate change, and advances in science are prevalent themes in society. How do we respond to today’s trends and challenges, while maintaining a religious identity that dates back 1400 years?
This week on Summer Reflections, we revisit a critical conversation between Alwaez Hussein Charania and Tara Mandjee about being an ambassador of Islam in today's world.
The recent rapid growth in artificial intelligence, automation, and machine learning, as well as changes in the structure of work, have generated numerous questions about what the future of work will look like. The pandemic has accelerated a number of these changes in ways that would have been difficult to imagine. Understanding the challenges and opportunities these developments present us with will help us prepare for our participation in the future of work.
This week on Summer Reflections, we revisit a riveting conversation between Ali Velshi and Zain Velji as they explore The Future of Work and how the Jamat can prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
This week on Summer Reflections, we revisit a special lecture held at the Ismaili Centre Toronto in September 2019.
Drawing on his own experience as a researcher, academic, and senior administrator, University of British Columbia President and Vice-Chancellor Dr. Santa J. Ono discusses how servant leadership can help faith and science co-exist at the modern secular university. Following his talk, Dr. Ono sits down with Wilfrid Laurier University President and Vice-Chancellor, Deborah MacLatchy for a moderated discussion.