Ismaili Centre Toronto: Frontiers of Science and Innovation Public Lecture Series Seeing the unseeable by Professor Avery Broderick, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, recounts how the Event Horizon Telescope generates images, why scientists think they have finally seen a black hole, and what it all means. He tells the incredible tale of how a global collaboration of astronomers, physicists, and engineers literally traveled to the ends of the Earth to synthesize a telescope the size of the Earth, the only instrument capable of probing the staggeringly small scales presented by black holes.
External stressors and interactions have real physical consequences on the human body. Join us as we explore mental health, especially in these tough times.
Anyone can immerse themselves in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Join us as we discover STEM through the eyes of trailblazers in the field, no matter how young.
Chemistry is more than just atoms and molecules. Join us as we explore the applications of chemistry in our lives and on earth.
Are you curious about how human interactions impact the earth and its resources? Join us as we explore the role and future of our environment and energy.
Human beings are living longer and healthier lives thanks to the ever-expanding frontiers in medicine. Join us as we explore exciting advancements and what the future of the field holds.
Have you ever wondered how our universe came to be? Join us as we explore how our universe functions through the lens of astrophysics.
Climate Change is one of the most time-sensitive and pressing anthropogenic issues of our time. Join us as we explore Climate Science and how we can be better stewards towards our Earth and the human race.
Have you ever wondered if Artificial Intelligence and Robotics will replace human beings? Join us as we explore these quickly evolving fields that have the potential to completely alter how our world functions.
Seeking truth, knowledge acquisition, and the role of the intellect have always been important aspects of our faith. Join us as we explore the increasingly important and constantly evolving fields of neuroscience and mental health, and the profound consequences they have on human behavior and well-being.
Have you ever wondered what mysteries lie in the stars of the night sky? And for that matter, the heavens and earth? Join us as we explore the fields of astronomy, space, and the immensity of divine creation.

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