The Fast Forward Future: What is the new normal? What are emerging technologies that are disrupting our future? What are the tangible impacts that they are going to have? Are our youth prepared for the next generation?
As we eventually emerge from this crisis, will we work differently? Leaders from top organizations in North America discuss lessons learned from the work from a home model and what the future of work will look like.
The Canadian healthcare system faces ongoing pressure to adopt new equipment and technology for improving healthcare administration and delivery. This session looks at how the pandemic has pushed forward sophistication of technology, AI, and delivery methods while also exposing problems within the system - from supply chain breakdowns to staff shortages and burnout, impacts on disadvantaged communities, and remote communities.
Learn about the skills, education, abilities, experience, and knowledge characteristics that make someone more employable, today and in the future.
The gender wage gap is real, affects women across the board, and was made far worse during the pandemic. This session looks at why women are still fighting for pay equity and what can be done to close the gap.
Futurist Ian Khan shares current emerging technology trends on business, future of work, and leadership with insights on the Art of Future Readiness.
Panelists from diverse industries, and at varying stages in their careers, share their experiences of career pivots highlighting the importance of adaptability, resilience, and lifelong learning.
Looking at each individual family member’s physical and psychological well-being as well as the quality of relationships between each family member is important in understanding how to promote happiness within a family unit. Presented by AKEB and Youth & Sports Portfolio UAE
Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship (BII+E) shares practical insights from recent research on the future of work, which aims to help individuals future-proof themselves in the face of potential job disruption and emerging opportunities.
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI), which is simply intelligence demonstrated by machines, are transforming society - from retail (Amazon) to transportation (self-driving cars) to hospitality (Airbnb). Healthcare, which can be considered amongst the most data-rich sectors, is expected to be impacted by data, virtual care, and AI in the coming decades. This webinar reviews the concept of AI, its applications to healthcare, and its implications for clinicians and healthcare administrators in the future.
Salimah Dharsi, a Director in Foreign Exchange Derivatives Trading, and Altaf Kassam, Managing Director and EMEA Head of Investment Strategy and Research at State Street Global Advisors, discuss how we can all build resolience into our education, careers, and businesses, as well as our personal finances, taking into account the current economic backdrop and looking to the future, and drawing on the unique strengths our community has to offer.
The more digital you get, the more data you have. There is no perfect data. It’s how we handle it. The signal the data is giving you is an opportunity. Useful for other countries in the region if Russian subtitles can be added. 2019, Kyrgyzstan at the Conference on Digital Transformation in Central Asia, a collaboration of UCA with High Technology Park, Kyrgyzstan.
Continuing the ‘Diamond Jubilee Lecture Series' at the Ismaili Centre, London, Professor Alan Winfield, Professor of Robot Ethics, the University of the West of England, Bristol, delivered a lecture entitled 'AI Futures: the Societal Impact of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence' on Thursday, 22 February 2018. The lecture was followed by a discussion, moderated by Professor Alnoor Bhimani, London School of Economics, on the impact of Artificial Intelligence on human society.
Watch the next instalment in the Economic Webinar Series about starting a business from your home, featuring: Frozan Sadat, Founder of Mission Cleaning Service, Hafiz Mitha, Founder & CEO of the Playcity App, and Isaac Achal, Founder of the Isaac Achal Corporation. Moderated by Al-Karim Khimji, Director of the Shirin Group.
The recent rapid growth in artificial intelligence, automation, and machine learning, as well as changes in the structure of work, have generated numerous questions about what the future of work will look like. The pandemic has accelerated a number of these changes in ways that would have been difficult to imagine. Understanding the challenges and opportunities these developments present us with will help us prepare for our participation in the future of work. Business journalist Ali Velshi joins Zain Velji for a conversation where they explore The Future of Work and how the Jamat can prepare for the challenges and opportunities ahead.
Recorded in Kyrgyzstan in 2019 at the Conference on Digital Transformation in Central Asia, Ravi Pendse, PhD, speaks about the changes that have impacted our world and how that change impacts the future of our work. The conference is a collaboration between the University of Central Asia and High Technology Park.

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