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Coding With Lego

Coding With Lego

Building models with LEGO boost and coding it to do fun and exciting actions.

Making A Kaleidoscope

Making A Kaleidoscope

A kaleidoscope is a toy that you look into. You use your eyes to see patterns, colours & shapes. It uses light and reflection to

Rainbow Formation

Rainbow Formation

Rainbow created by three year old Sanaya and Alyza. They used skittles and warm water to develop the rainbow on the plate.

The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle

Aedan has created a mini water cycle diorama. He used materials that we had ready for our recycling. We cut out shapes for the different

Making It Rain

Making It Rain

Here Amaya shows us how to make rain with just a cup, jug, cotton wool and some water!

Sj Gas Under Pressure

Gas Under Pressure

SJ’s Gas under pressure experiment – When batter is poured into a pre-heated pan the outside starts cooking straight away. The liquid from the milk

Growing A Rainbow

Growing a Rainbow

Using kitchen towel, marker pens and water, we demonstrate how water molecules stick to each other as they rise through the holes in the kitchen